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User Rating: 6 | Perfect Dark X360
Hm... Nintendo 64 rocked the world with "007: GoldenEye", and Rare decided to give Bond a female counterpart- thus birthing Joanna Dark. "Perfect Dark", back in the day, was a game that I loved to hate. I have always loved and respected the idea Of Joanna Dark, but I find myself hating it more, nowadays, especially in its XBLA reincarnation. Something about the game just feels prehistoric. I'm not entirely sure, and my review may be discredited because of what I'm about to say, but I feel "Perfect Dark Zero" was a WAY better experience. I won't lie, it is a good gaming experience, and I do like how they've spiffed up the graphics. But, PDZ excited me because I like where I thought they were gonna re-invent the series... I was glad they kicked Joanna's British accent, because I often did find myself wondering if I was playing "Tomb Raider"... The only good thing about this game's reincarnation, in my eyes, is the Achievements. They're easily accessible, tohugh I haven't gotten them all yet, but it's nice to know one can spike up their GS with this one. All in all, I was excited when I saw this and the trailer- but playing it again make me want to go to my local GameStop and pick up PDZ from the bargain bin... I hope they come out with a new Perfect Dark soon... Joanna is a charatcer I'd love to see again...