The end of Patrician

User Rating: 3.5 | Patrician IV: Conquest by Trade PC
This is not an appealing game at all...,...or attractive..., I mean if you have earlier experience with Patrician III.
The Hanseatic map looks like liquid sh*t, at least the colours are the same..., if you zoom closer, it is terribly fuzzy and half-mastered.
All the cities look the same, no different architecture, which means no cultural or historical background are reflected in game..., I mean I live myself in Tallinn (Reval) and it is really nice to walk in old town sometimes, each walk is an experience.
But the main theme here should be a look to our monetary past.
The town folk does not talk anymore, there are no beasts in woods, who would wag their tails.
Patrician III had a special medieval music clip for each effect, now there is only background music.
Lot of key buildings are missing, their functions are concentrated to some game menus.
Conclusion: this game is a serious setback with nothing really original or new to suprise the player. No character.