If you are looking for a good FPS game, this is not the place to look.

User Rating: 5.4 | Pariah XBOX
Pariah tries to be a good game and it fails miserably. The graphics looks extremely bland and dull. The sound is weak and a lot of sounds are exactly the same as they are in the UT games (most people won't notice but it bothered me) . The gameplay is the same as FPS games where years back, the enemy's are dumb and are merely canon fodder. Everywhere you look there are destructible pillars which, so it seems, have been put the just for the purpose of destructing, wich seems dumb to me.

I didn't spend much time playing this game because it was bad from the start and i couldn't get myself to play anymore. This game will be put in my game cabinet and never see daylight again.

My advice is to steer away from this title, because there are so many good ones around.

btw the music in the game does sound cool, so that is something i guess.