Beautiful graphics,full of bugs (had to start over once and edit my save game once to finish),ok story, terrible ending.

User Rating: 5 | Paradise (2006) PC
This game had beautiful graphics, looks just like Siberia. Warning it is full of bugs! I had to start over once and edit my save game once just to finish due to characters not talking to me when they were supposed to. I couldn't find a whole lot of help with my bugs either since it's an old game and the version I had is a copy in a Viva media anthology package.

I had a difficult time controlling the cat. I got stuck a couple of times and ended up just escaping out and of the cat parts.

The game-play is pretty much your basic inventory puzzle adventure. (Find ways to use items to get things done) My favorite type of game! The puzzles themselves are fairly easy but some of the leads to the puzzles are confusing enough to consult a walk-through. You pretty much will only need a few tips to point you in the right direction.

Anne is kind of annoying when she starts conversations. She has been known to start a conversation with "huh", and this one time in the mine she yelled to start a conversation, it just didn't fit. I think the yell was supposed to happen only after the water was flooding the mine but she did it when I asked the guy about the elephant so it was kinda strange.

I was rather disappointed with the places I visited. It felt quite deserted of human life. It was pretty depressing.

The story was pretty good until I got to the end. Then I was greatly disappointed. More than disappointed I was pretty mad. So much so I had to come post a review. After that ending I wished that I had never played the game.