Pac man is back only this time he's onto the Nintendo Gamecube!

User Rating: 8.5 | Pac-Man World 2 GC
We all remember the classic Pac Man World game. Ahh,the memories! Well, the folks at Namco thought they would make another! Pac Man World 2 starts of when ghosts come and steal the golden fruit off the tree in the middle of pac village.Suddenly the evil ghost Spooky rises from the tree and promises the ghosts that together they will destroy Pac Man!Well our man of Pac-tion learns of the ghosts wrong doings and is told of a pac knight that sealed Spooky into the tree with the fruit and so Pac Man goes out to find and defeat Spooky.You start out in Pac Village, the tutorial level and a sort of main hub of the game.You go through 5 worlds each with a ghost boss. But there lies one of my problems:after the first boss you're pretty much fighting the same thing over and over ( except Spooky ) which makes the bosses a little too repetitive .Also, sometimes I felt the camera wasn't really on my side at random points in the game.

So let's review the problems:

-some bosses were too repetitive
-camera angles were not at their best

Overall I enjoyed it and I would reccomend this to any Pac Man fan out there.