What I think of overlord

User Rating: 9 | Overlord X360
Codemasters did a great job on this game. The minions were a very funny in the beginning but later on in the game the minions didnt say as much and what they did say was a little old since they had already said it at least once. Even though the what they said got a little old what you could do to them (kick them and make them kill themselves) or what you could do with them like kill sheep, kill people, kill elves, battle dwarves, ect. Another fun part of overlord are the quests that eventually lead to you taking over the world. Some of the quests get a litrtle confusing since you dont have a map or a compass to lead you to the objective. After you re-vist the same area a few times you will be able to get pretty good about being able to get around the map and find where you need to go. The quests are all about either killing something or getting something to put into the tower ssometimes you are suppose to help  people but you dont have to. So the areas you have to go  can be kinda hard to navigate but you eventually get the hang of it. The areas are all very diffrent the only thing that they all have in common are that there is always something that you can kill. One of the best things on the game is the tower and all you can do within it. One reall cool part of the tower is the forge were you can make yourself new armor and weapons. A bad part in the forge is that to upgrade your equipment you have to sacrifice your minions but if you dont want to do that there is a cheat so that you wont have to.The dungon in the tower is a great place if you feel like wasting away your time. Thats the only good part of it that ive found for it.The personal quarters is a pretty kool place you get to see how full the vault is that is were all your gold goes that you collect. You can also personalize your tower so that it is the way you want it. That is about it.