
User Rating: 2 | Oneechanbara Revolution WII
this will be a very short review, because there really isn't much to this game.

you play as a bikini-clad babe with a katana and you slash zombies.... over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, until you realise that this is all that there is, and you switch off the wii.

i thought this was going to be awesome, but it's really bare-bones stuff. there are no cut-scenes (am i actually complaining that there are NO cut-scenes??) or other characters, the story is non-existent, simply being a cover for 'get from point A to B'. there's no glamour, no sex, and even the violence is boring, repetitive nonsense.

play madworld or no more heroes instead. they have nuanced battle systems with a lot more variety, humour and interaction, even if it centres around the same basic idea.