Please make an Okami II

User Rating: 8.5 | Okami WII
Okami is a very beautiful and charming game. It's already got plenty of praise for its gorgeous visual and unique system, I won't repeat them again.

Here are a couple of things that I think have kept the game from being a 10. First at all, the Wii motion control is a nightmare, it's very difficult to draw a precise line or circle. A great amount of playing time gets wasted because of that. Second, although the visual design is beautiful, the game doesn't benefit fully from it because of the lack of HD. It looked really good on the PS2 back then, but by today's standards, the graphics looks outdated. And the last minor thing, Isshun really needs to stop talking in gibberish. There's subtitle for what he's saying, but it's not very pleasant when you have to listen to the same "I don't even know what kind of sound that is" sound for hours.