A wonderfully original RPG,with a Shakespeare theme

User Rating: 8.5 | Odin Sphere PS2
This game really suprised me.At first I found the graphics rather strange,but I got used to them.There is a lot of depth and drama in the storyline,though at times it can feel a bit too dramatic,especially when you hear Oswalds part of the story.The story is definetly one of the best points of the game and kept me hooked til the end.You get to play as 5 different characters,who all play differently with some being able to fly.You play in circular stages and defeat all the enemies withen the stage before progressing to the next one,normally there will be 2 boss fights per map,with a super boss at the end.The difficulty can seem a little unfair at times with far too many cheap,one hit kill deaths,especially against the dragon bosses.Another irritating aspect is the loading times between every stage but it isnt too long.Occasionly the screen can slow down,but this does not happen too often.The game is fairly lengthy and you play through it 5 times.Each of the characters can cross paths with another playable character and sometimes a fight follows between them.Your character can learn spells but they mostly all learn the same spells with maybe having one unique one each,but they are powerful,useful when you find yourself surrounded by enemies.You can also plant seeds to grow trees for fruit to raise your health,but these absorb phozons which your character needs to level up,so you decide what you need more.The menus could of been designed better as you constantly find yourself carrying too much and rearranging it grows tiresome.the gameplay can get a little repetetive but its mostly fun,and kept me playing to the end anyway.Every characters fights with a different psypher(weapon) to keep things intresting.The voices are quite good with the exception of alices mother who thankfully only says one line.You can also switch to the japanese voices if you wish.The music is orchastrated and beautiful throughout.
All in all this is an amazing and unique game,well worth checking out if your looking for something a little different.One I shall keep in my collection for years to come.