Casual gamers need not apply

User Rating: 10 | Odin Sphere PS2
The gorgeous yet anime style graphics may give off the feeling of a kiddy game, but astonishingly it's the polar opposite, it just may be the most finely tuned adult gamming experience of my life. By that I mean it feels like this game is the natural progressions of a life time of playing action/adventure RPGs, it’s stunningly beautiful, yet sophisticated in it’s delivery, it's fun to play, but far from easy and the writing and character design is nothing short of brilliant. In all farness if you classify your self as a casual gamer, or cringe at the thought of old school level game difficulty, this game may not be for you. Though many of the enemies in the game may seem easy at first, it won’t last. While generic enemies will stay relatively easy for the first haft of the game or so, bosses and min-bosses will start and stay difficult. Your HP and attack power will increases as you level and you will gain new spells, however you will gain no ability to take less damage from attacks or resist status effects. Your Inventor space is very limited and healing items just can’t be bought or found, so you will have to brew your own potions with the fruits, vegetables and livestock you’ll have to grow, raise and harvest often in the middle of battle. On top of all of that at the end of each battle you will be rated on how fast you won, how much you got hit, ext, if you do well you’ll leave with a victory treasure trove of seeds, money, formulas and other useful items, if not you may get only a single item. This system requires you to learn enemy patterns or die with increasingly greater frequency. As you play through the game with all five characters the game will become dramatically more difficult, even though each character levels independently the enemies become more difficult. The first character is fairly easy to use, you notice that each character gets more devastating at cutting through enemy lines, though the skill and timing it takes to pull of there worth while attacks might seem extensive, it is possible to master them, and does it ever look cool when you do. The controls are actually very solid, though the attack button and block button are one in the same you won’t actually find your self stuttering to attack or unable to block, though you will occasional block an attack without trying. The most stunning thing about this game has to be the epic story, as you play through each character you’ll see events unfolding through there eyes, though you’ll be astonished ho much has yet to be told as you begin again every time. This game is pure underrated drama of the highest caliber, flawlessly orchestrated without a bit of thought given to losing the heavy stuff or toning it down. If you think you can handle an intellectual, profoundly difficult game.