Obscure the aftermath feels like a rushed game and was put together in hopes of making a profit.......Nope!

User Rating: 6 | Obscure II WII
Obscure the aftermath takes players through a forgettable horror experience that does not offer much from the beginning of the game, to its end. You play as 6 different playable characters and explore Fallcreeks campus in hopes of escaping from the hordes of monsters that roam free throughout. One aspect of all games that I look for is good music, at least decent. Obscure provides with some decent music at times, but then is overshadowed by its weak music design and often seems irrelevant to the situation or event at hand. The game play is bland an uninspired. The most frustrating mini game in the game for me, would have to be the sections that require you to lock pick certain doors, Ignition tried to use the wii's motion capabilities but failed to make it fun.Obscure the Aftermath could have been a more decent game if the developers took more time to actually produce a horror game, with decent music, and suspenseful events.