Absolutely amazing.

User Rating: 9.5 | Nintendogs: Chihuahua & Friends DS
Wow. Who actually would've thought that the cutest and cuddliest bunch of the Nintendo DS would recieve one of the highest ratings and applauds for any handheld system? When I first put my hands on a demo at EBgames, I was sure to get myself a copy. Nintendogs looks cutesy and absolutely adorable, but inside, lies the heart of a true tomagotchi-esque videogame that surprises and appeals to many people worldwide. Gameplay: While you might not call it "gameplay" because all you do is play with the puppy and click on things, it's quite more in-depth than what many expect. The game lasts for a very long time. And for that time you spend playing, activities to do with the puppy does not stop and your conscienceness that concerns the puppy's health and well-being really make the game much more enjoyable than what it looks like. Graphics: While there isn't a lot of 3-d graphics, what ever is 3-d looks absolutely amazing and what isn't 2-d is very nicely illustrated. The graphics flow at a fluid 60 frames per second and is visually pleasing to see the life-like animations of a dog. Sound: The sound is VERY good. It has a very childish tone to it, which cheerful trances and merry MIDI music are overflowing in abundance. It's very clear in surround sound and the loudness of it is pleasing. The barks, the sound FX, the music, all become a cohesive part of the game and plays an important role in making this game into what it really is. Value: You'll spend HOURS on this game. Trust me. The minute you play, you will get hooked on it and will never stop. It's truly an eye-grabber and kind of pulls you away from the real world. It's worth the 30 smackers you're willing to spend. It's not an adventure game, but the longevity of your playtime will be countless. Overall: Simply one of the best games that ever released on the Nintendo DS. It's highly addictive, surprisingly good, and very very fun. What I don't recommend you do it play it in a public area. I don't think you would want to be seen with a videogame about "puppies and nurturing." But all in all, it's a game where it deserves every bit of applaud that is directed to it. It's absolutely amazing.