This game is loaded with nostalgia and good memories. Otherwise it would just be a difficult and average platformer.

User Rating: 8.5 | Ninja Ryuukenden NES
Story: This is Ninja Gaiden, the original game released for the Nintendo (NES) in 1989. For the record I played and beat this game using an FCEUX ROM. The story is the classic ninja conflict - avenging the death of your fallen father. You take control as Ryu Hyabusa, and hunt down the maniac who defeated your father in a duel. Two powerful dragon statues are the source of great evil and unrest in this game. A villain called 'The Jaquio' is trying to combine the power of both statues, unleashing a powerful demon upon the earth. The rest of the plot line develops as the game unfolds so I won't give it all away. Just kick some ass on this ROM if you want to hear the rest of the story.

Gameplay: It's pretty much straight forward ninja action, but it's done fairly well. The standard weapon is your Katana blade, which is the same throughout the game. No upgrades, extensions, or power-ups of any kind are available for the sword. However, there's also many different sub-weapons to collect ala Castlevania gameplay. There's shurikens (throwing stars), potions, a flame weapon, and a boomerang star. Hold up + press attack to use the sub-weapons. Of course there's a limited amount of ammo so make sure to collect as many items as possible so you don't run out. Most of the enemies are humanoid - boxers, swordsman, green ninjas, guys with guns/bazookas, etc. There's also some attack dogs, and various birds and eagles which will annoy and bother you to no end. Also, your character can stick to any vertical surface such as walls, signs, buildings, etc. You have to go through 3 stages in each level (or 'Act') without dying, then you get to the boss.

Graphics: Solid for an NES game. All the sprites are well done and easy to distinguish. The enemies are easy to see and nothing in the game looks blurry or blocky. The bosses are well animated and the cut-scenes are awesome.

Audio: Rocks. The in-game beats will have your head boppin' as you wreak havoc upon your opponents.

Difficulty: I was able to beat this game using an NES ROM, which enables you to save whenever and wherever you want. If not for the easy saving system, this game is a challenge. The first few levels are easy enough, but it gets much harder towards the end. Levels 5 and 6 are very challenging, and IF you make it to the end you have to beat three difficult bosses in a row without dying. The second guy is especially difficult to beat. I had to fight him about 25 times.

+ The original game.
+ Solid controls.
+ Cut scenes.
+ Great story.
+ Music rocks.

- Quite difficult.
- Nothing new.

Overall: This game is a must-own / must-play NES classic. A lot of why it gets such a high score is the nostalgia factor. The audio and graphics are both well done for an old NES game. In some ways it's average and straight forward. Not a lot of invention here, just a solid classic that kicks a bit of ass. If you want to be considered a worthy old-school gamer, you have to beat this game. Final score = 8.5