Ninja Gaiden is the most death defying action game you will ever play.

User Rating: 10 | Ninja Gaiden XBOX

Ninja Gaiden one of the hardest action games so people say to me I think that it is quite easy once you get the hang of the controls and that should take about 2 minitues if you have played games like this before, there is one thing that bothers everyone who plays this game the camera. I dont know why Team Ninja made the camera so when you went around a corner you could not see who was there then you would get hit a good couple of times, but if you play it enough then you get used to it. So the story is actually quite strange because you go to (Main Charater) Ryu Hayabusa village where he grew up and became a ninja for his fathers clan then you have to go on a airship to a place where the (Boss) Doku destroyed your village which is the strange town of Tairon, where you will visit quite often because most of the story that is where you end up after you do a level.

There is another character that is in the game that does really nothing for you except you save her all the time and her name is Ratchel she is a Fiend Hunter on Tairon but really she doesn't kill any for you.

Well on the first level you have a master Murai who is really quite strong on the first level but there is a twist in the story as you progress to level 5 there is a charcter called The Dark Disciple who really ends up being Murai and is the traitor who ends up with the Dark Dragon Blade which has been stole from the Hayabusa village and he wants all the power he can get, but once you fight him as the last boss he is overwhelmed by power and losses it and you can continuasouly just do one move on him to beat him which is a bit dissapointing.

The game is excellent and is probably one of the best games that is ever made so I would suggest if you have an original Xbox anytime you go in a game shop guarnteed you will see it for £8.00 so I would suggest pick it up go home and play it.

Overall Rating:

Futaristic Ninja Costume
Complete the game on any difficulty level then when you select New Game from the main menu Hold the Left Trigger and press A if you have done it right you will hear Ryu grunt and when the game start's you will have a Plasma Saber.

Keep Original Blue Ninja Costume
When selecting a New Game Hold the Left Trigger+Right Trigger and you should here Ryu grunt and from Chapter 3 onwards you will keep the Blue Ninja Costume from the first and second level.

Get Dark Dragon Blade
Complete the game on any difficulty and go through the game again and get to Chapter 13 go to Murassmas to get the Blade.
(Did not work for me)