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Xbox One policy changes will not affect 2014 release date for Asia

Microsoft has no official comment on whether original policy has anything to do with late release window in region; or whether new policy changes will bump up release window.

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Microsoft has confirmed to GameSpot that the Asia launch window for the Xbox One will still remain at "late 2014", despite the recent DRM policy change for the device.

The company has no new comments on the Asia launch date at this point in time, which includes countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, and Hong Kong. Last week, Microsoft said the Xbox One would launch in the region in late 2014, but it is unknown whether the previous online policy set by the company had was a factor in the delayed roll out for Asia. 21 countries will be selling the device in November this year, including the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, and more.

Will the Xbox One be out earlier in Asia, now that there's no DRM of sorts?
Will the Xbox One be out earlier in Asia, now that there's no DRM of sorts?

Microsoft recently revised its online policy for the Xbox One console, stating that it will remove used game restrictions, 24-hour online check-ins, and region-locks. The console will be available for $500.

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