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Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom going local

Namco Bandai bringing Game Republic's Last Guardian-like action adventure Majin: The Fallen Realm to North American Xbox 360s and PS3s this summer.


At Sony's Electronic Entertainment Expo press briefing last year, one of the highlights was a preview of The Last Guardian. With the release date of Team ICO's game unclear, Japanese game fans seeking an action adventure about a youngster and his massive monster pal can check out Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom this summer. Released as Majin: The Fallen Realm in Japan last year (see trailer below), the game is being localized for the North American market for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 by its original publisher, Namco Bandai.

What's up, little buddy?
What's up, little buddy?

Developed by Game Republic (Genji: Days of the Blade), Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom focuses on cooperation between the two lead characters. One is a roguish youth who returns to his homeland after its population is decimated by spectral warriors controlled by a "dark force." Once said youth arrives in the kingdom, he teams up with Majin, a horned creature that looks like a cross between a minotaur and one of the Where the Wild Things Are creatures. As they explore the titular desolate realm, the pair learns about Maijin's past--as the beastly companion evolves.

Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom's gameplay will have players directly control the youth, who in turn can give the AI-controlled Maijin orders to fight off enemies and overcome obstacles. According to Namco Bandai, the game will feature stealth, action, and platforming elements.

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