Grow old and frustrated with Neuro Hunter

User Rating: 1.4 | Neuro Hunter PC
Well, was that it? Neuro Hunter that is. It has to be the most horrendous game ever. I enjoy playing the adventure/action type of game, but this is one definitely not to be recommended.
I think I played it for a hundred years; well that’s what it felt like. I could draw the entire map from memory, I went around it that many times. Go here, go there; go back, go away, go back again. You get my drift. And persevere; I did. Just so I could say “Huh! You didn’t beat me”; and to kill the bad guy at the end! Ha! That was a joke. I was even denied that pleasure; the damn man died in front of my eyes with no help from me.
So, if any one out there wants to play this game...