Played since it's release, and to this day I enjoy it immensely. Best of the Need for Speed series!

User Rating: 8.8 | Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 PS2
Exactly what i said in my "review deck":

Played since it's release, and to this day I enjoy it immensely. Best of the Need for Speed series!

Difficulty? Some events are quite hard, and some time is spent working for all of the cars. The learning curve is relatively low for most of the game, which is not necessarily a bad thing. Although you might have a tough time with certain aspects, which throws the learning curve up (especially if you are used to the "classic" handling versus the "extreme".) Mastering all of the tracks and handling all of the cars, especially when going for clean races, best times, etc. can be quite difficult. AI isn't that difficult, but much better than some other racing games, and they cannot keep up with you after you get the hang of it.

Gameplay? Fast paced - ignore the physics - racing. Realistic enough for me.

Not much replay value, although I have beat it through and through a few times. It isn't realistic, but it is fun as hell. Easily some of the best graphics seen on PS2, and it was produced in 2002. Only a few slow downs here and there, and a few things could be touched up.

Sound? VROOM. Turn up the engine volume and turn down the voices.

Value? A must in any video gamers collection.

Tilt? Hey, I was totally honest. The graphics are good, the gameplay is great, the sound is exhilerating, and the value is a solid "10." The AI pulls it down, and some of the textures and scaling could be worked with, along with performance hits in places. Tilt on the sound? I'm probably deaf from loud music and a roaring TV anyway.