Another subpar NBA 2K game

User Rating: 2 | NBA 2K18 PC

Sorry, Visual Concepts but this is just unacceptable (even for a 1 year schedule)

The Neighborhood

It's a great idea but needs a lot of polish or any substance to be a selling point of any sort. Right now seems more as unnecessary open world mode™ . But It's welcome the connection with other modes.

The Gameplay

It's actually quite good, some people would said "It's the best sport game ever, period" but I only going to state that If you like the sport, you would love this game.

The Economy

This is were things go out of control. I don't know who is to blame 2K (publisher) or the (developer) Visual Concepts.

The problem lays on the VC (Virtual paid Currency)

But why its a problem? you would ask. Well let me explain.

A. This is a annual 60$ game. That not need micro transactions to stay afloat in the short or long run.

B. Have not one, but twice a purposeless Legend Editions. For up to $149.99 USD. How generous...

C. If that wasn't enough. They starve they players to death with any micro transactions instance they can get. Not even change your haircut it's possible without paying.

D. Any sort of Virtual Paid Currency encourage some people to spend a lot more than they should. Compared to a normal buy this for X $€¥ etc. If you don't believe me make a bit of research (It's actually interesting)

The PC port

Every year I hope We PC player can have an actual good port of NBA 2K. Sadly this isn't one. They simply don't even try a this point. There's even concerns of PS4 player now.


As much I like to give it praise for their advance on Gameplay features and Graphics. This is not what I expect for a NBA 2K game. I even thought of give NBA Live a chance. But they are years off.

So seems like, I going to skip the Basketball Simulation section for a while. How unfortunate.

Yeah, you guys committing review griefing are so mature and funny...

One annoyed GameSpot user