Its very hard to defend a player with the lack of proper controls. Will be trading it in for something better.

User Rating: 2.5 | NBA 2K12 PS3
Trying to stay with a player is hard especially when the controls dont respond quick enough. It gets very complicated with all the plays and even harder just to call a basic screen for the ball carrier. The AI controlled team players arent very good either, constantly staying behind the opponents making passing even harder.

The game play also kills the passing game. Its very easy for the computer player to intercept a pass even when trying to pass at close range. Even when passes get through, the AI controlled team players sometimes remain out of bounds.

Graphics was better on the nba live series. Facial fatures for key players are good but for lesser key players, they dont resemble their real life counterparts.

Quite disappointed as i felt the nba live series nailed it better. Will be trading this in for something else. Shame as i really had high hopes for this game considering all the reviews here. I would recommend the developers learn from the nba live series and copy the winning formula it had.