Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm (nuns)

User Rating: 8.5 | Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm PS3
sup all i just finished clocking 'nuns'

it was a very good game a little tiny bit repeditive but hay you cant have everything your own way, i have been an avid and very loyal watcher of the anime and collector of the naruto games

i have played a few of the naruto franchise game's for ps 2/3 x-box and 360 but by far this one is the best one by a mile if not for the fact that you can free roam around leaf village and talk to a HOST of bots and shops, you can jump really high and be chucked by a shadow clone a hell of a long way but the coolist thing is running up wall's and the side missions are so phat,i especially had fun collecting all the dieorams and watching bits of the cartoon that wasn't on the game

anyway i really enjoyed the game, love the anime and will for the rest of my life, i will enjoy this game for that long to , so if you like 'naruto' go and get a ps3 if you haven't already and get this game the two player part in free fight is of the hook buttons are a bit repeditive but the moves you can pull of are absolutely crazy, and if you get somebody who likes street fighter and mortal combat to fight with it can be very fun and addictive

i have gotten a couple of 100 and 100+ combo hits on the bots 'PERFECT' thay didn't even get a hit in lol, you can do the same thing to players the only shortful thing about the game was that it wasn't an online game so you can compete in online matches

well that was about it i think

get this game str8 up