this game is underrated. I had a great time playing it...

User Rating: 8 | Naruto Shippuden: Legends: Akatsuki Rising PSP
this game is underrated. this game follows the anime almost exactly word per word. though the fighting mechanics are mostly button mashers, you could also use special moves strategically to take out your opponent and use a substitution jutsu to avoid the opponent's attack by timing your defense just at the right time and with practice you will be able to do it seamlessly. every character has two or three special attacks exclusive to that character. the story ends at the rescue gaara arc and there is plenty of boss battles along the way, but the characters and game-play don't end there. in akatsuki mode you can play as the akatsuki witch creates a very fun experienced with each akatsuki character having its own story witch you can choose from are 4. the characters go beyond the gaara arc. allowing you to play as sasuke and sai