The game was very fun, and I played it for over 60 hours. This game is better than Revolution but not its sequel.

User Rating: 7 | Naruto: Gekitou Ninja Taisen! 2 GC
The game has more stage music than its sequel and some combos missing in Revolution. The game's menu and stage soundtrack is very good compared to Revolution's. It also has better and more game play modes. Revolution only beats it in graphics, characters, y-canceling, and combos consequently. Both games have the same amount of characters(23), but in a different way. If you had to choose between the two games, then get this one. Revolution is fun when playing with others but can easily get boring playing by yourself. Clash of Ninja 2 has a greater time value since it takes a long time to unlock everything. Also, the game's CPU intelligence can be turned to 4 for increased difficulty. This makes is worth playing even longer since you have to increase your skill to match it. Revolution takes about 4 to 4 and a half hours to unlock everything. That's the basic reason why this game is better. Although Clash of Ninja Revolution 2 isn't out yet. It should be in less than 2 weeks. Get that game, and Clash of Ninja 2 for more.