A game where drugs are bad.... But you have to be high to enjoy.

User Rating: 4 | NARC NES
Prior to the ESRB there was only one rule when it came to Nintendo, minimal violence. Unless you are a cop killing drug dealers. N.A.R.C. was a side scrolling shoot'em up that was ported from the arcades to the NES home console. Why is this important you may ask? In the 1980's then president Ronald Regan's wife Nancy had begun her just say no campaign. What did game production house Acclaim/Williams do to help that... Well the same thing animators did of course with cartoons, they made a game. In this game you are as stated earlier a DEA style officer and you are going after the "Evil drug lord" Mr. Big. This game starts out in what I can best describe as a hail of gunfire. Now the way you score is obviously from killing drug dealers, pit bulls, hookers, junkies, ect., confisacating drugs, and "busting" said drug dealers. After beating several levels you finally face Mr. Big himself, ironically enough a big head on what resembles a hover board, then his skull that spits tounges at you. It's a good game to kill an afternoon with a buddy. Graphically its what you would come to expect out of a late 1980s run and gun game. However with forgettable bosses, typical "boss rush" style that came with Nintendo games with a lack luster finish and a pseduo educational undertone this game is better suited for the collections shelf rather than sitting in your console. I give this game a 4 out of 10, it's worth a try but don't go out of your way. And as always: Say no to drugs.