This game is good and bad. Its one of those "what a shame" type games.

User Rating: 7.5 | MotorStorm Arctic Edge PS2
This game had alot of potential. unfortunately the cars look like that Kinda surprise paper/cardboard stuff, the graphics are a bit dated, you cant customise you're vehicles in split screen like it says on the back of the case, the controls are at times non responsive and the AI are are bit cheaty and dumb. Fortunately the game features some good things as well. The ability to customise vehicles, cause an avalanche, great vehicle physics and an awesome track selection. The good and the bad make this game a 50/50 success. if you are into hard dirty racing buy it, but if you want something more realistic, maybe stay clear. Im not saying that this is a very bad game, because its great, but there are a few things that, if bigBig decide to make another Motorstorm for ps2, should maybe be improved.