A good game, but just a distraction to the series.

User Rating: 8.4 | Mortal Kombat Trilogy PS
Mortal Kombat 3 was a pretty good game. Why they recreated it countless times I'll never know. There's been UMK3, MK Advance and MK Trilogy. Is it a great game? Yes. But it was just an excuse not to make an actual sequel.

Mortal Kombat Trilogy is like the ultimate showdown of the MK series to this point. It's like MK 1, 2, 3, and U3 all put together in one game. It's mind blowing. Many characters, one new character: Chameleon. Is this game graphically improved over UMK3? No. Does it sound better? No. But that's kinda what makes this game so great.

Now I'll go a bit into detail. There are over 30 characters. Each character in MK 1,2,3 and U3 are all here. Over 30 moves never seen in the arcade. Yes there are fatallities. But there also 1 step higher than fatallities: Brutalities! if you though Fatallities were bad. Brutalities are sick, gruesomer, more extreme, and downright awesome.

So Mortal Kombat Trilogy may not be a sequel. if your a MK fan, I recommend you rent this game and try it out. If your a hardcore MK fan and still like playing 10 year old games, then sure go out and buy it.