Mortal Kombat Unchained attempts to bring the gore to the hand held of the next gen consoles.

User Rating: 5.5 | Mortal Kombat: Unchained PSP
Mortal Kombat is the "updated version" of Mortal Kombat Deception that was release for the XB, PS2, and the GCN. There isn't much new here, in fact Mortal Kombat Unchained actually sets back a wonderful game that put Mortal Kombat back on the map and proved to be a force to be reconned with in the fighter genre.

There are some basic things here that were over looked while making this game. It almost feels like a hacked version that they rushed to meet some kind of deadline.
The graphics are ok on this game, and the PSP is capable of some pretty good graphics. The characters are jaggy, there are noticable lines that don't connect in them and you can clearly see the back ground through them, worst of all sometimes the camera goes crazy and will get stuck in a corner or behind a wall reminding you of the Mortal Kombat Gold day on the DC. To put it bluntly, the graphics just don't feel polished compared to other PSP fighters.

The controls are set up well, they are responsive and are easy to pick up and play. In fact the controls are exactly the same as the prior incarnations of this game. The modes are too, arcade, versus, chess, and tetris are all here. Unfortunately the quest is here too. This is where the graphics and the camera are at their ugliest. You will constantly fight with the camera to be behind your character. The graphics are everything I said before and also slow, flat, and stiff. It's virtually not playable, and not worth the trouble frankly. The most you will get is extra costumes since all the characters are open already.

The sound and music are what you would expect from MK. Top notch. It's the part of the game that I don't have any issues with. All the characters are here and then some. Although the added characters feel tacked on and play like someone else from either Deadly Alliance or Deception. There are some good battle grounds too that harken back to the good olde days.

Basically Unchained feels like a half hearted attempt to cash in on a game that did very well, the hand held crowd. Unfortunatly it rusts the good name that Deception had brought back to the franchise.