This Monster Rancher game is great for monster breeding.

User Rating: 7.9 | Monster Farm (PlayStation the Best) PS
This Monster Rancher game is based on the show of the same name. You are a monster breeder who must choose from thousands of monster combinations and train them. The game is quite impressive largely because every and any disc that can fit the size of the inside of your PS1 gives you a unique monster which can be both trained and fused.(Though some discs can give you the same result. I mean any disc music CD'S and even other games Training methods help you raise stats to get your monster ready for combat. Disciplining your monster is also important to teach your monster right from wrong. You can feed your monster as well as other things. Tournaments will put you up against other trainers monsters each with their own stats and abilities. If you truly enjoy this game you will be sad that after your monster gets to old that monster can die but no need to worry because you can get new monsters2 or keep other powered up monsters frozen so that they can't age while frozen. The Vs mode is a pretty good addition allowing you to fight against a friend's monster with any of yours. Monster Rancher should be a great game for any monster breeding fan but fans of other types of games might not find the same joy in the game while those looking for a very unique and rare game might want to pick this unique game up.