One of the better Gundam games on the PS2. It stays true to the storyline, but the graphics are a little bland.

User Rating: 7.5 | Kidou Senshi Gundam PS2
Ah...I remember wanting to get this game for Christmas when I was young...My parents bought me this game ay Toys "R" Us for like...Well, it was selling at about $69.99 CDN. Yikes! I hope my parents didn't mind at that time... ^^;;

Mobile Suit Gundam: Journey to Jaburo is a good Gundam game. Although the storyline is short, it is made up for it by its originality to the anime. The controls are simple, the missions are fun to play, and the difficulty isn't too hard or too easy. The graphics are kind of boring though, it makes it look kind of bland. I don't mind the graphics much though, it's all about how great the game is! There are plenty of extras in this game such as movie trailers for other Gundam series, movie clips from the missions that you completed, an encyclopedia of the Gundams you've encountered in the game, and plenty more!

In my review, I will be using four different categories in which these categories will be used to rate this game:
- Storyline - 7
- Gameplay - 8
- Graphics - 6
- Extras - 9

If you're a Gundam fanatic, this game is definitely worth picking up and playing!