Once again I find a game I like that received terrible reviews from Gamespot. This is definitely worth the used price.

User Rating: 7.7 | Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire PS3
I had never played a Gundam game. (that almost sounds vulgar)
I thought it was some kids cartoon game or something. Then I saw what kind of reviews it got.....so I just never wanted to take the chance and plop down 60 bucks to test the game out. I should have known better if a game is going to be released with the PS3 it's at least going to be somewhat fun you would think. So, still being a slow time for PS3 releases I saw this game marked down to 30 bucks. I was looking at the box and thought "how bad could it really be? if i don't like it, i'll bring it back tomorrow and swap it." this was at gamestop.

Man, was I surprised. I'll tell you.......I've played quite a few mech games. Chromehounds is supposed to be one of the best on the 360 however, I didn't care much for it. This Gundam game blows Chromehounds away. Also it blows away Armored Core. It has elements of RPG, Action, Shooter.
You can swap pilots, upgrade your mechs, you gain experience levels that improve your performance all around. Also you can take a couple of Mobile units into battle with you. It's deep enough to be interesting and give you a sense of strategy/rpg satisfaction and yet it doesn't take a scientist to figure it out. The most impressive thing to me upon first playing were the appearance of the Gundam Mobile Suits......they are spectacular......they look like big metal machines and perfect with detail. You can see the wear on the metal.....the wear from weather and use.......They're not perfectly clean and shiny....they're realistic looking. What else can I say.....I'm having fun playing this game. I recommend trying it out. Once again I find a reason to not rely on reviews too heavily when deciding a game to get. Try different stuff.......you may be very surprised like I've been on numerous occassions.