MLB The Show plays just like Major Leauge Baseball.

User Rating: 9.1 | MLB 06: The Show PSP
The realism that this game offers is amazing. It plays very well. Just like watching baseball on the T.V. Gone are the days when games were nothing but homerun derbys. You really have to pick and choose the pitches you are gonna offer at to be able to string together hits or get a home run. The graphics and animations add alot to the games reaism and really put you in the game. The "guess the pitch" feature is awesome. Here you can guess what type of pitch is comming and its location and if correct it will alert you that you have picked correctly and where the location of the pitch will be allowing you to crush the ball. BUT if you guess wrong you look silly swinging at the pitch just like in real life. The game really is great. If you want a baseball game that isn't just a slugfest and plays with strategy where your decisions really matter in the outcome of games then look no further than the great game by SCEA called MLB 06 The Show.