Everything you need in a baseball game in a small package!!!

User Rating: 9.6 | MLB 06: The Show PSP
This game is one of the best baseball games I have ever played...and I have played a lot....I have loved baseball games since rbi baseball and baseball stars way back on the Nintendo...But this game takes the cake so far...Everything is great from the graphics, presentation, sound, and gameplay. The only complaint I have so far is the online play because finding someone to finish a game is extremely difficult, especially after one big inning against them because of the online record keeing, but there is patch coming out soon that sounds like it will fix this issue. One of the greatest things about this game are the downloadable rosters, they are the best I have ever seen in any game, every week they update them and they are really accurate, they even update attributes on certain players who are playing well or playing bad. The gameplay is on point also, all the animations seem very fluid and every game against the cpu is very sim, well for me it is on All star difficulty. The announcers are also great, during seasons they also mention if certain players are leaders or high up there in certain categories, ie. batting avg, homeruns, stolen bases. They also have a lot to say and even after over 100 games played i still love to listen to what they have to say. The graphics are outstanding especially for a portable, it is very crisp, clean, and colorful. The stadiums are very detailed, even in some stadiums for example petco park the signs change during the game. I highly recommend this game for anyone looking for a baseball game in 2006, especially if you are looking for one on a portable.