Take a trip down memory Lane

User Rating: 7 | Might & Magic X: Legacy PC

Might & Magic X - Legacy


A Dungeon crawling old school hack-and-slash RPG set in the Heroes of Might and Magic World.

Graphics: ★★★☆☆

Not Skyrim, but for a 3D grid-base dungeon crawler it looks pleasing.

Sound: ★★★☆☆

The music is reminiscent of some of the classic Might & Magic titles as well as the Heroes of Might and Magic series. Sound effects are simple and repetitive.

Playability: ★★★★☆

Easy controls and interface like its predecessors.

Entertainment: ★★★☆☆

If your familiar with games of the past like the Wizardry series or the Might & Magic games, you will love this title as it takes you down memory lane but for those who are new to these type of games may get bored as the gameplay may get repetitive.

Replay Value: ★★★★☆

I feel the game has a High replay value especially since your party consists of 4 members and there are a total of 12 possible Classes to mix and match with the 4 races.

Overall Rating: ★★★½☆☆


The Game takes place a few years after the events of Might & Magic: Heroes VI. Might & Magic X - Legacy takes place on the Agyn Peninsula. It's a throwback to the hack-and-slash RPGs of old and no knowledge of the past series is required to play it. You can create a Four person party consisting of 4 Races and 12 Classes to select from. While the party size is locked at four, players can pick up additional hirelings to fill specialized needs that give certain buffs or the pack horse that adds a considerable amount of inventory space which I found a must. The classes offer lots of skills and spells to choose from. The individual skills can be ranked up starting at novice and going up to Grandmaster. Some of the spells you get at Grandmaster are devastating but the road to get there is a long one. If you liked the Diablo style loot drops than you’ll like this game as there is a ton of different types of loot. The game adds some puzzle and riddle solving to take away from the constant combat grind. Players can roam towns to find various power ups, coins, and quests that send them out into the wilderness. The game offers about 60+ Hours of play time if you explore every nook and cranny and take the time to read all the Lore it offers. This game is nothing like the Heroes of might & Magic series but if you liked games of the past like the Wizardry or Eye of the Beholder series or even the new Legend of Grimrock than this is the game for you.