At last, a portable Heroes of Might and Magic , almost...

User Rating: 9 | Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes DS
I didn't have high hopes for this game, since I am a Heroes of Might and Magic fanatic, having played every game in the series. To my great surprise, Might and Magic,Clash of Heroes is very good.The game is based on Heroes 5, and includes a lot of the characters, places, factions, and even the same music. Exploration was always a big part of Heroes, and it's all here. From wandering the overworld, to finding treasures and artifacts , this is very close to the PC version. You can even recruit armies to help you, which you pay for with your winnings after battles, and finding chests and resources all over the map. The one big thing that makes this different from it's PC older brother, is the actual battle system, which is very different. Its still turn-based, you must rely on the strengths of individual units, but you have to line up 3 of the same armies to launch an attack. This may sound like Bejeweled, but it gets VERY deep. You can link armies, jump over barriers, use "fusion" to make you stronger, and even your Hero has a magic attack. I actually had to think my battles out, because you can get overwhelmed rather quickly with all the options available to you. This game is not the Heroes that I still feel could have been made on the DS, but if you are into turn-based strategy and are itching for a new installment in the franchise, it comes pretty close.