If you are a fan of Mario Kart and if you like Disney characters, then you'll love this game.

User Rating: 8.1 | Mickey no Racing Challenge USA N64
Despite the fact that most Disney games are mediocre nowdays, this game is definately one of the better ones. It is basically a racing game that is somewhat related to Mario Kart. For example, you get to throw items in the game, but instead of a koopa shell, you throw a baseball. Every one of the items are similar to items in other racing games. Each chartacter is in a certain weight class like Minnie Mouse is one of the lightest, Donald is in the medium class, and Goofy is a heavy weight. The characters you use depend on the overall control of the character. Lightweights are for beginners while heavyweights are for experts.

As the name of the game states, the courses are based on places in the USA. The courses are well detailed and they increase in difficulty as the game goes on. There are 5 circuits in the game with 4 races in each. Courses range from Los Angeles to Texas.

Overall, this is an excellent racing game to be played with other people. In fact, this is a perfect family game. Since I've seen so many similarities with other racing games, it is easily comparable to Mario Kart with both its strengths and weaknesses. If you have no other racing game out there that you could play, then this game is worth playing.