Still has some nastolgia left in it,but the game can be very hard at times.

User Rating: 7 | Classic NES Series: Metroid GBA
I am a huge fan of NES games.So,I just had to run out and get this game.But when I started playing,I didn't completely love it.The first problem with this game is that you just start.You're not given an objective or anything.So you just have to figure it out on your own,I guess.Once I started playing,I only lasted about ten minutes.This game becomes very hard once you start fighting real enemies.Now,the first problem with this game is that you're only started with 30 health.And when you get hit,your health drains DRAMATICALLY.But some enemies will drop a little health ball.But these don't give you much health.In fact,most of them only give you 5 health.
There are some enemies that fly all over the screen,and it becomes a real chore trying to hit them.Especially since you can't aim diagonally.In fact,you can only shoot forward and up.That can become a problem later in the game.Also,the game slows down when the screen fills up with enemies.Now,I'm sure that this was acceptable on the NES,but the Gameboy can handle eight enemies on one screen without slowing down.So why does it do this in Metroid?I mean,I'm pretty sure this was something that should've been fixed.Oh,whatever.
One thing I do like about this game is the password save feature.Once you die,the game asks if you want to save your progress.When it does this,it shows the password you have to enter.But instead of memorizing it,or writing it down,the game saves the password so the next time you go there,it's already all typed,and you can continue where you left off.
Overall,Metroid can be a lot of fun if you're well equipped and you know what you're doing.But,if you're a beginner,it might be a while before you're blasting through this game.Still,Metroid does deliver some nastolgic fun,and it's only $7.99 at Gamestop,so it's worth picking up if you have the extra time to put into this game.