User Rating: 7.6 | Metroid Prime GC
Yes the graphics are remarkable, the sound is good, and the retro music score is great. But the new music score simply sucked .. It was horrible - that piano nonsense was laughable for this game .. How romantic?? Nah . I'd say more cheesey. This game came very close to being in a league of it's own, but it failed to delivery in fun factor and / or gameplay. I guess largely due to the inflexible control system. Like many people, I have to agree, do NOT make a FPS and not have one analog stick to move with and another to look with .. this is completely unacceptable. Maybe the most frustrating and awkward control I have experienced in recent years. Only adding to this, are situations where you die almost entirely due to this fact. For the jumping parts it would have been nice for a 3rd person view .. but that's not a big deal. Good game, could have been great though - I also think the developers went over board with increasing the boss difficulty. Next time, aim for more bosses instead of designing 1 or 2 that make you want to throw your controller. This is not fun. Power-up implementation was not done remotely as well as in previous metroids. Gaining these powerups is tedious, because usually they just let you open a new area / door, there is nothing exciting happening with them. Same ol same ol. Most of them are completely under used as well .. very disappointing. Also, the x-ray visor was not implemented very well either. How does this thing help you find anything by blinding you with white light??? Anyone else miss the "speed-booster" and "screw attack" REAL space jump? I guess they couldn't really think of a good way to use these items in the game so they scraped them .. but oh well. Anyways, this is definately a rent game - I would not buy it - there is replay value, but not enough to justify a purchase. If you have tried it .. what are you waiting for! Just prepare yourself for more of a frustrating gaming experience at times then a fun one.