Well, it is by far the worst MMORPG I ever played. Gonna talk about that in the review.

User Rating: 1 | Metin2 PC
So let's get to the subject.
For a game that was launched in 2007 it is absolutely horrible. The optimization sucks so much. All the character/npcs/etc only got 1 animation and the graphics aren't really what you would expect for a game launched in 2007.
The sound is worse. I mean the only thing they've got there is like 3-4 character sounds and 5 background sounds. And even those are horrible.
The gameplay feels all the same everytime, you do the same things over and over again and it doesn't require any kind of skill and brain. No immersive fights or events, no dynamic quests, no phasing.
Maybe the story is the worst aspect of this game. You know what absolutely extremely ultra horrible is ? Well, think about this game's story and you'll know. So this is it: Some rocks called Metins have fallen from the sky. So what ? As I said, it sucks so much.
The community is full of kids and retards and all that kind of people. You can't really enjoy playing it(if that's possible) with all those kids swearing and talking trash all the time.

Overall Rating:
Well, If I could I would give it 0. But since I can't do that it'll be 1.

(1+1+1+1+1)/5 = 1