The one and only reason i have for getting a 100 dollar cell phone

User Rating: 10 | Metal Slug Mobile Impact MOBI
This is definetly the best cell phone game out there. Nothing comes close. I mean its metal slug for one. A classic. The graphics are amazing on my lil cell screen. The sounds are just like the arcade. Then of course theres the gameplay. It works just like it was originally ment to be on a cell phone. It uses the buttons perfectly. I cant say enough about this game. I would go on forever. If you feel like playing for a few min while waiting for a bus or have 2 hour classes to get through this game will always be there for you. (WARNING: turn down the sound when you play in class, I found that most people, including the teacher, find the sound of you setting enemy soldiers on fire and them screaming in pain a bit distracting.)