"Mobile Impact" keeps all of the series classic gameplay and sacrifics nothing in achieveing that goal.

User Rating: 8.1 | Metal Slug Mobile Impact MOBI
From its bright and colorful backgrounds foreshown on the main menu, to its mighty and challenging, yet verbosfully entertaining gameplay. "Metal Slug: Mobile Impact" stays a fun and amazingly entertaining game, that is even more amazing to grasp how conceptionally amazing the game has been adapted to the mobile platform.

The basic gameplay is still here in all of the glory that dazilled players back in the hayday of the "NeoGeo". However, thanks to the brilliant talent of developer "I-Play". The game feels very well adapted to the mobile key pad, and even better on the mobile face pad. Though basic the game will keep any mobile player entranced in the classic "Metal Slug" gameplay.

Though the game plays very well. Its even more amazing that the development team did an equally amazing job on the presentation aspect. The game looks bright and vibrantly colorful on the mobile. As well as the sound which is quite amazing in its own right. Having different action sounds for every aspect of combat, makes the game just that much more enthrailing to the player. Creating that much more of a since of emertion.

The game is a bit short though. Though challenging to a fault. The game only posseses a small asortment of no more then 10 levels. However, its definitely made up for on the fact that you can replay all of the levels that you unlock.

"Metal Slug: Mobile Impact" keeps all of the series classic gameplay and sacrifics nothing in achieveing that goal. This is definitely worth the price of admission, and any self-respecting aficionado of the "NeoGeo" glory days should do then self the privelage of downloading this to there hand set.