Gamespot's review is completely off.

User Rating: 10 | Metal Gear Solid (Premium Package) PS
This is the best game ever hands down. It is a fact a scientific fact and there is no debating it. Anyone who wishes to debate me on this is gladly welcome including those so called gamespot reviewers. This game is the epitome of what next generation games are made of the perfectly woven blend of great genre gaming with a good story to tell. The game becomes a completely experience and not just a video game to kill some time. The gamespot review clams that it is based on perspective on whether its delivery was on par with its anticipation but the FACT is that the game far exceeds any video game of its time or of the present time for that matter. MGS4 does not even compare to this all time classic. I do not have to get into detail of the greatest game ever because by now anyone reading this must have played it at least once and if anyone reading this has not, then he or she is not a video game fan. The game can be beaten quickly if all the secrets are known and the plot is put on pause, but this is a shallow way of looking at a great achievement by Hideo Kojima. The game take you from sneaking into a heavily guard base using only a limit supply of knowledge and armor......ugh i'm bored of writing this review you get what i mean. LATER