This is one of the best PSP games to date.

User Rating: 9.5 | Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus PSP
As my first reveiw I chose this game because it is the only PSP game I've used up 5 days of my life to play.This is an ONLINE expansion for one of the best reveiwed PSP game.It comes w/ more chracters from every aspect of the metal gear solid seris(all the 3d ones that is),and alot of new maps for online play.This game does not have the story mode from MPO it has Infinity Mission,Which basicaly randomized places w/ randomized people (except on easy mode)w/ levels ranging from 5,10,15, and 20 stages.The are 4 difficulties: Easy,Normal,Hard,and Expert.Easy is the tutorial of the game teaching you about exit and retreat points,CQC,capturing soldiers,and special missions.A bonus for those who have played the original MPO can import all there equipment and troops to MPO+,though all experiance will be gone so your not stacked and even if you have a 100 troops in MPO (the max for that game) you can still have 100 more in MPO+, which adds up to 200 troops.Please note you can't bring items into Infnity Mode,so all those tranqs. and rpgs you got in MPO can only be used for online.On the online portoin of the game there are many game types like:chatroom(CR),capture mission +(CM+),team deathmatch(TD),deathmatch(DM), team capture mission+(TCM+), and shooting range(SR).There also two combat modes VR(virtiral reality) were you can't lose troops, or capture troops, and there is RC(real combat) were you can lose troops if they die or gain troops if you kill someone.You can clone troops by going to a RC game, perferably w/ a friend, and kill all his guys then leave before the round is over.He will keep his guys but you will also capture his troops.Well that is my reveiw I hope to be seeing you on the MPO+ online or on MGO2 one day.