This Open World Sandbox is endless. it is so good. blow up skyscrapers go skydiving with no parachute hijack anything!!!

User Rating: 8.5 | Mercenaries 2: World in Flames PS3
his Open World Sandbox is endless. it is so good. blow up skyscrapers go skydiving with no parachute hijack anything!!! it is so fun to ride around just driving. placing C-4 on your car is fun too this game deserves a 8.5/10 its really good but unappreciated. everyone says its bad. but in any other game can u get a NUKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its really good hi hi hi hi hi hi by sky fly dye my sigh bi bike fight mike kite bike fake i don't see why people don't like to blow random buildings up and planes no trains and auto mobiles oh my gosh do what you want because a pirate is free you are a pireate yar har fiddle di dee being a pirate is all rght with me do what you want cause a pirate is free you are a pirate oh my gosh i ate a peice of monkey chunky funky lunky blunky hunky monkey fruity blooty ice cream