5.0 doesn't make any sense, the game is not perfect, but definitely deserves better than a 5....

User Rating: 9 | Mercenaries 2: World in Flames PS3
10 out of 11 users doesn't even know who Aaron Thomas is.

You know whats alot of fun? Blowing crap up, and that's what this game is all about. The game is not perfect, but it definitely is not a 5.0. The guy who reviewed this game(Aaron Thomas) looks like he should get back to leveling up his hello kitty character on his pink game cube. Look and see what most of the users are rating it and go from there. Between PS3 and 360 around 2,500 users gave it an average of 8.0. Im not a mathematician, but I would say a lot of people would agree that Aaron Thomas should get back to to hello kitty's island adventure. I would agree in a heart beat that the AI is brain dead, but it's entertaining when you're going around dropping bombs on everything. I cleaned my review up so hopefully I wont receive another email about offensive content.... ive been a member since 2003 and this is one of the worst reviews ive seen on gamespot.... So in the end if you liked mercenaries 1 you'll probably love 2. Forget gamespot;s review on this one go with the critics or users….

1 out of every user who read this now knows who Aaron Thomas is.