Better than the originals on the SNES, PS1 a must buy for Megaman Fans

User Rating: 9.2 | Mega Man X Collection PS2
The graphics, old school and the same, controls pretty good i was overall satisfied, it has my favirot MEgaman games all on one disc and you can save HALLEJULAH!!!!!!!!!! I hope this will help to create the Megaman X fanbase and increase it by having more and more people get this game. Im hoping the X series starts up again but i want it to be old school no 3D stuff and i want it to be like the other X games. Well anyways the sound was good it sounded a bit better than the normal systems because i actually went back and compared cuz im a nerd like that. The gameplay is simple yet fun and the characters are great and memorable. These classics deserve your attention, this game is the best collection out there. IT is just amazing how they put all these games together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!