A great 30$ game that will keep you busy for a while, however the limited extras may make some fans turn this game down.

User Rating: 7.7 | Mega Man X Collection PS2
If you're new to Megaman X and want to see what all the talk is about then you should definitely give this game a try. Megaman X is nearly as well-known now as Mario and the other classic game stars now. Megaman X-X6 are included in this package with some remixed music, mostly for the best. However, X3 has many different sound to it that longtime fans may not appreciate.

There is a new Save menu even for the older games that will save your password and let you load them up easily which is very handy. Beating these games will unlock some illustrations, deleted music from past games and even a fun kart racer never before released in the U.S. Overall the unlockables are a little lacking, but good to have anyways.

The games play flawlessly and leave no slowdown whatsoever. You can use either the analog stick or the d-pad to move which is a small but nice thing to have.

Overall - I definitely recommend buying this if you're a hardcore Megaman fan, and if you're only a casual gamer interested in trying different games then I recommend at least a rental.