A must have for any Mega Man X fan.

User Rating: 8.3 | Mega Man X Collection PS2
When Capcom released Mega Man Collection in 2004 I was excited. Not becuase of Mega Man, but because I knew they were gonna release a collection for MMX. And they did. First, let me say, I say I hate the origianl Mega Man. Mega Man 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, and 8, didn't like any of them. But I thank Mega Man, because without it, there would be no Mega Man X.

Mega Man X Collection contains MMX 1-6 and a bonus MM game called battle and chase, a racing game. Battle and Chase was never released in the United States before and it is a racing. Now, I've never unlocked it yet, so I can't give my opinion on it. MMXC also has a small gallery with pictures in. Besides this, there's really no extras.

-Mega Man X (SNES/1993)-
MMX was the game that started it all. Using the gameplay style of Mega Man with some improvements (like climbing walls). The 8 bosses in this game are classic and my favorite of all the MMX games. They had catchy names, and all of them were fun to fight. The graphics in this game were superb. I loved the background music, very upbeat music. MMX is argueably the best MMX game. The final Sigma battle in this game was cool. Sigma goes "Stars Wars" on us with his light saber and his final form is challenging yet fun.

-Mega Man X 2 (SNES/1994)-
MMX2 was released 1 year after the original. Capcom always had a rule of "if its not broken, dont fix it". The game played exactly the same. In MMX2 Sigma has returned with a new batch of Mavericks.The graphics were slightly improved, we were given 8 new bosses, although one in particular I hated (Overdrive Ostrich). The bosses were still good, and had there own weaknesses. MMX2 was another great game, though not as good as X1.

-Mega Man X 3 (PSX/1996)-
Thats right, PSX. This isnt the SNES/1995 version we all know and love. This is the Japanese version of the game. What's the difference you may ask? Well the background is more rock style. And the game also has some pretty cool anime style cutsceens. Personally, I prefer the PSX version. The bosses in this game were slightly more difficult. Again, the graphics were improved. MMX3 (along with MMX1) are considered the best MMX games.

-Mega Man X 4 (PSX/1997)-
MMX4 is the first PSX MMX game released in United States/Canada. It had much better graphics and was still 2D but with a 3D style. The story was great. The game had lengthy cutsceens and the game featued voice talking!!! The first MMX game to do this. MMX4 was a great game, though not as good as any of the first MMX games.

-Mega Man X 5 (PSX/2001)-
MMX5 was released 4 years after X4!!?? Many fans thought X4 was going to be the final X game as it had a solid ending. But Capcom got to work and made this game. X5 was the beginning of the declining of X. X5 was a great game, though worse than the first 4. The bosses in it were named after Guns N' Roses members: Slash, Izzy, Duff, and Axl. The boss battles were pretty good, and the story in X5 was fairly good.

-Mega Man X 6 (PSX/2001)-
X4 and X5 were 4 years apart, yet X5 and X6 were only 10months apart? Was this smart for Capcom? In my opinion, no. MMX6 seemed rush, and is the worst of the first 6 games. It did have great graphics, good gameplay as ever, but what made X6 hated among fans was the insane difficulty. Sure, MMX games were hard, but X6 takes the crown. You would have to try levels many many many times, and if I had a $1 each time I got a gameover, i could afford to buy myself a house..okay, maybe not. And X6's story was not the best, but still passable.

There you have it, my quick review of each of the X games in this collection. But looking at how the series slowly got worse starting after X3, maybe the series should have ended at X4. And if you though X6 was disapinting? X7 was terrible, and X8 was only slightly better. Though overall, this is a great collection. If you are a MMX fan get this collection. If your an old school gamer looking for challenging games, get this game. To anyone else, this is still worth checking out, though you may wanna rent it first.