A true gem created by Capcom

User Rating: 9.4 | Mega Man X Collection PS2
All the Megaman X games on one disc?!?! OMG BEANS!!!!!11111one

Megaman X games have always been some of my favorites, I can't tell you how many hours I have spent just playing through X5. This has to be one of the best decisions Capcom has ever made, in my opinion. Megaman X games have great replayability and are incredible addictive and immersive. For all of those of you Megaman X lovers out there, and those of you with the broken ps1's and the scratched discs ( Me =( ), this game will be worth more than its weight in gold. Well, maybe not gold...more like...ummm....Well it's just great to have all the Megaman X games on one disc and in a ps2 format. Good Job Capcom.