Mega Man at it's best

User Rating: 8.5 | Mega Man Battle Network 5: Double Team DS DS
The Good
Able to play as other navi's, More Battle Chips, Double Soul, replayability

The Bad
No improved graphics since MMBN3, The sword hitting Minigame

The story is that nebula is taking over certain parts of the net and Protoman or Colonel (whichever team you want to enlist on (get it since one is colonel (ok bad pun))) need to liberate the areas of which they have taken over. I like team Protoman the best and so do most people i am guessing.

Gameplay is great and it is the same as the other battle networks with some new additions. The major thing i like was being able to play as other navi's (this game is the first one to allow you to do it i think), especially Protoman (favourite Navi). The double souls are great fun cause they import the navi's abilities like searchsoul uses searchmans gun and lock on ability (that owns on bosses and versing friends). One thing all MMBN have in common is to test your ability to figure things out (i had to consult a walkthrough a couple of times) and have Lan (Megamans operator) do things in the town or wherever you are find out information.

Graphics are ok but it is a bit of a shame that they haven't improved them since MMBN3.

After you beat the game save the clear data and it will loud you back to just before you beat the game and you can start collecting all the battlechips and do the other liberation missions (they are extremely hard).

All in all this game is challenging and once you start playing you will be hooked. Just remember Megaman, jack in and power up.