I loved this game its real war not stupid fantastic actions war like call of duty

User Rating: 9 | Medal of Honor PS3
people dosent like this game because people are not used to play realistic missions like this game, well here you can face stelth mission in the mountains and alot sniper missions.
alot of people love call of duty because its very fun and easy and not realistic, i hate call of duty because your enemy is stupid they dont have A.I Inteligence, every one shoot you every one can see you every one drop a grenade to you only.
here you will face talibans that they are not so stupid like other games. they cover to much.
the multiplayer its great but i had problem with the code online pass but its same like battlefield 3.
i descover that they maked this game to find the way to make battlefield 3 and see the critics of medal of honor and not make the mistake of MOH to battlefield 3, and battlefield is same thing except that its not mouintains its city.
if you are fan of stupid things like call of duty shoot shoot kill kill kill weapons and crazy things you will not love this game, but if you like real things real not simulated game i mean simulated missions and simulated situations.